The Mata Atlantica Forest that is indigenous to Brazil is one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, but only 9% of this Brazilian ecosystem remains in the world. Sao Paulo Corporate Towers ,in collaboration with Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, aims to capture the biodiversity and spatial richness of this habitat in an urban landscape at the center of São Paulo. Tree canopies of various heights create magical outdoor spaces of dappled sunlight and shade, providing a cool and inviting environment. Landforms accentuate the display of the vegetation in their multiple canopy layers. A large green roof accessible by a series of ramps becomes a link between the two towers and integrates the amenity building. The collection of rain water on the site and the selection of native species with lower water demand allow for minimum irrigation and help cool the towers. Theodore Hoerr was Principal at Balmori while leading the design of this project. Images courtesy of Balmori.